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  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication of the Brno University of Technology
    would like to invite you to

    24th International Conference
    Advanced Batteries, Accumulators and Fuel Cells [ABAF 24]

    August 27th - 30th, 2023
    Brno University of Technology
    Technická 12, Brno
    Czech Republic

    Proceedings of the ABAF 24th Conference available for download here.

    Preparation of Abstracts

    Abstracts should be prepared in Microsoft Word format. Their length should not exceed 3 pages and they should be uploaded on the web page of the ABAF conference at the latest on July 24, 2023. The "Abstract upload" option appears after the login into the participant account.

    When preparing abstracts, you can use the format, we have used for abstracts in the previous years: abstract format.

    Preparation of Manuscripts for Publication

    Manuscripts need to be based on ABAF lectures / posters and should include more details than the abstracts. A typical size is 7-9 standard pages. Please, be aware that the formatting of manuscripts in the year 2023 has again completely changed and should be in line with the requirements of the journal "Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly". The detailed guidelines for authors can be found here and the final paper format is here.