Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication of the Brno University of Technology in cooperation with the International Society of Electrochemistry would like to invite you to
20th International Conference
Advanced Batteries, Accumulators and Fuel Cells [ABAF 20th]
August 25th - 28th, 2019
Brno University of Technology
Antonínská 1, Brno
Czech Republic
Proceeding of the ABAF 20th Conference available for download here.
Preparation of Abstracts
Abstracts should be prepared in Microsoft Word format. Their length should not exceed 3 pages and they should be uploaded on the web page of the ABAF conference before July 31, 2019. The "Abstract upload" option appears after the login into the participant account.
Preparation of Manuscripts for Publication
Manuscripts need to be based on ABAF lectures / posters and should include more details than the abstracts. A typical size is 7-9 pages. Please, use the following rules during manuscript preparation:
1. Prepare your manuscript in Microsoft Word format using this ECST Manuscript template (paper size, margins, font, indents, text alignment ...).
2. There should be no headers, footers or page numbers in the manuscript.
3. The manuscript should start with a boldfaced title with capital initial letters, followed by author names and their affiliations. These three items should be centered on the page.
4. A short abstract (not more than 150 words) should follow in a narrow section (11.5 cm wide).
5. All paragraphs should be separated by one line of space. With the exception of the abstract and the first paragraph, the first line of each paragraph should be indented by the equivalent of five spaces.
6. Headings in all sections should be written with capital initial letters. First level headings should be written in bold and centered on a separate line, second level headings underlined and aligned left on a separate line, eventual third level headings should be underlined and aligned left on the same line as the text. There should be two lines of space above each manuscript section.
7. All figures must fit within the page margins (the same width as the text) and should be named: "Figure 1.", "Figure 2.", ... including their citations in text. Figure descriptions should be aligned left, if they are longer than one line. If they are shorter than one line, they should be centered. If possible, color should not be the only differentiator in charts with colored lines and dots, so that black-and-white print does make them unreadable (incl. legend description).
8. All tables must fit within the page margins and should be named: "TABLE I.", "TABLE II.", ... Table formatting should be done according to the example in ECST Manuscript template.
9. All equations should be typed on a separate line, centered and separated from the rest of the text by one line of space above and below. They should be numbered consecutively with numbers in square brackets [1], [2], ... placed at the right margin.
10. All references within the text should be numbered consecutively with numbers in parentheses (1), (2), ... Complete citations should appear at the end of the text and formatted according to the example in ECST Manuscript template.
For more details, check the ECST author instructions.