will be co-sponsored
by The Electrochemical Society.
10th International Conference
Advanced batteries, accumulators and fuel cells [A.B.A.F.-10]
August 30th-September 2nd, 2009,
Brno University of technology,
Antonínská 1, Brno,
Czech Republic
As an introduction, a key lecture will be given by Prof. Doron Aurbach, Bar- Ilan University of Tel Aviv
Dear Colleague,
We like to inform you that manuscripts based on your conference contribution may be published
in the Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. The deadline for sending manuscripts to Professor Fritz Scholz is September 30th, 2009.
Your manuscript should be submitted via the on-line publishing system of the Springer Publishing Co. on web address:
https://www.editorialmanager.com/jsel/ where all details, instructions for author, etc. are available.
Please consult the “Manuscript Check List” which you can download as pdf on the right side of:
Please, do not forget to mention in the Cover Letter to Professor Scholz that your manuscript is a contribution to the ABA-10 meeting in Brno.
Further information from:
A.B.A.-10 Conference Chairman
Prof. Jiří Vondrák
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, v.v.i., Czech Academy of Sciences
250 68 Husinec - Rez 1001 near Prague
Czech Republic
e-mail: vondrakj@iic.cas.cz
A.B.A. - 10 Vice chairwoman
Assoc.Prof. Marie Sedlaříková
Department of Electrotechnology
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communications
Udolni 53, 602 01 Brno
Czech Republic
e-mail: sedlara@feec.vutbr.cz